Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Coming April 19th, 2009!


Anonymous said...

So I take it this was a surprise for your family as well as for all of us? Owen looks terrific in all of his photos, he may not be hitting all of the benchmarks but he looks like he is thriving.

If you are trying to find other families with similar struggles to relate to, you may want to look at some of the Down's Syndrome websites, major heart problems are common with that syndrome. With my work at Easter Seals I see plenty of healthy kids with scars on their chests from early heart surgeries and they are happy and love life regardless of their disability. I was very sad to hear that the two families you related most too recently lost their beautiful children. While I know it can't leave your mind entirely, Owen is an individual and his experience with life can take a different course. Keep up your strength, baby number two is going to keep you equally busy!

The Simmons Family said...

WOW...CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Owen is going to be a big brother soon... how exciting! Prayers for a strong and healthy little boy, or girl!


Unknown said...

I am so happy for you guys!!!!! You are awesome parents.

Erika said...

WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!

Lots and lots of prayers coming your way!!!