I walked in to Owen's room this morning to check on him, and this is what I saw. He looks so grown up to me here! He was resting so peacefully. The "field goal" positioning of his arms is something he does all the time when he's on his back. But that's rare; he's usually curled up on his side.
Owen sees the pediatrician tomorrow and the GI surgeon to follow up on his G-tube Thursday. His G-tube is going to get changed out for the first time at that appointment, and they're going to show me how to do it. I don't know why, but something about the G-tube just creeps me out. I was able to look at Owen while his chest was still open without batting an eye, but dealing with the G-tube sometimes makes me gag. I hope we're able to get rid of it soon after the Glenn, but I'm not holding my breath. Owen is eating well enough for us to be happy, but he's still only doing about 60%.
I'm starting to do a little light packing for the move. The trouble is, our storage area is pretty much full, so any boxes I pack have nowhere to go. And we're still having showings of our current house in the meantime, so we have to keep boxes to a minimum. We close on our current house Aug. 27th, and we'll have "a few days" to move out after that, according to our realtor. Since we close on the new house the next day, I think it'll work out great. It'll just make for a busy few days!
What a BIG boy!!
I don't know how you deal with the Gtube either... I am just hoping and praying that Owen will decide to take formula (ANY AMOUNT) and SOON so that we can get rid of this darn NG and not have to do another procedure for the Gtube.
Hopefully after the Glenn you'll be able to rid of the gtube!!!
Good luck with the move!!!
That is one gorgeous boy you've got... i can't believe how big he's getting! can't wait until I have the pleasure to "meet" him in person!
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