It's been such a long time since I updated that I hardly know where to begin! Today is Owen's first birthday. Twelve months ago today, he came into the world, we got a short glimpse of him, and he was quickly taken away. About two hours later, we got to see him and hold him for a bit. And then not again for several days. We got to hold him the day before his first surgery, and that morning before they took him away. And then not again for several days. He went back to the NICU and remained there until he was 2.5 months old. We saw him as much as we could, while also preparing for a move and with me trying to finish school. One year later, I don't really understand how we made it through all this, except by the grace of God.
So what is Owen like today? The little boy who could easily not have survived his heart condition, who easily could have been so affected by his chromosome abnormality that he would be completely unresponsive to us, is thriving! What's new with Owen? Well...
1) He can sit on his own, unsupported, for short bursts of time while he plays with toys. He loves to stand. He needs help with balance, but he supports himself and tries to take steps (yikes!) He is not very close to crawling, but is getting there. We will insist with him that he learn to crawl before walking, since crawling is tied to good language and speech skills later on. We are in PT and OT to accomplish these goals.
2) Owen has two teeth, and a couple more on the way!
3) At this point, he is completely G-tube fed for his formula. He started refusing the bottle around Christmas, when his first tooth came in. We are in speech therapy to work on this, and the therapist is optimistic that we'll get the bottle back. Aside from formula, he hates baby food, but loves to try what's on our plates!
4) Owen definitely recognizes strangers now, and has become a bit of a mama's boy. He loves to cuddle.
5) His favorite games are to see his daddy hop around like a bunny, see his mommy take slow steps toward him and tickle him, and see his soft toys get thrown around. He laughs up a storm anytime we do these things.
6) His favorite toy right now is his red bird that chirps when you squeeze its tummy. It can bring him straight out of a shrieking fit into smiles and coos.
7) Finally, and best of all, his heart function has remained great! It couldn't be any better given his funky anatomy. In fact, we last saw cardiology in February, and they released us until the end of AUGUST!!! Much, much praise to God for this blessing! The truth is, we *never* worry about his heart. Isn't that amazing?!
We know his next surgery is coming, either this fall or next fall. But we are at peace. Our baby boy is a joy to us, and whatever time we have with him is the time we're meant to have. We are thankful for it all.
The next several days will be big for us. Baby Frossard #2 is coming by scheduled induction next Friday/Saturday, April 10/11. We go in that Friday evening at around 5 for me to get checked, and if no dilation has occurred (as was the case with Owen,) they will give me some medicine, and we'll go from there. The reason I think we could still have the baby Friday is because Owen's induction began at 6pm and he was almost born that same night!
In the meantime, we are trying to get our house straightened and cleaned. The boys' rooms are almost completely finished. Owen has moved into his new, bigger-boy bedroom, and the nursery is put together for Bean. I feel the nesting instinct, but I am too tired to act on it! We let our house go so much that it's all we can do just to complete a decent cleaning.
I plan to start updating regularly again, especially now that Owen is getting a new baby brother to interact with! I have lots of pictures to post, once I get them downloaded. Owen was pretty cute with his birthday cupcake last night, though he didn't actually eat any of it. He definitely didn't inherit too much of my sweet tooth!